How much does therapy cost?
Fees for therapy at Lightlist Psychological Services Inc. are listed below. Payment is due at the time of service.
Individual Therapy: $220 per session
Couples Therapy: $235 per session
Do you accept insurance?
Lightlist Psychological Services Inc. does not work directly with insurance companies. If your insurance plan covers out of network (OON) benefits, Dr. Smith can offer you a detailed statement (a "superbill") that you may provide to your insurance company to see if you are eligible to receive reimbursement. If seeking reimbursement from your insurance company, is recommended that you call the number on your insurance card to inquire about this prior to starting therapy.
What should I expect in our initial sessions?
As Dr. Smith wishes to truly understand your life history and context, an intake process is performed as standard with all clients which will occur during the first one-to-two sessions. She will start by asking what brings you to therapy as well as how long your concerns have persisted. She will progress to asking you about your background. You can answer whatever questions feel comfortable to you, and of course you may feel free to offer additional information you feel is important. Dr. Smith understands that once folks arrive at her door, they often needed therapy yesterday! However, a thorough intake process gives her an opportunity to more fully understand you, the concerns bringing you to therapy, and the roots of the problem. This information is used in determining the best treatment approach. She has gotten feedback that the process is enjoyable, and it pays off in the long run!
What is the length and frequency of sessions, and how long is the typical duration of treatment?
Sessions with Dr. Smith are about 50 minutes in duration. She typically meets with clients weekly, although there may be cases where more or less frequent sessions are indicated; this will be discussed during the intake process. Duration of treatment widely varies depending on your treatment goals. Some clients find that a few sessions help alleviate their distress, some clients choose to continue therapy longer-term, and some fall somewhere in between. Treatment duration will be a joint decision and continued conversation between you and Dr. Smith as the therapy progresses.
How do I get to your office?
Once you arrive at 179 Great Road in Acton (a brown office building), there is ample parking on the sides and rear of the building. Lightlist has its own exterior door in the back of the building. It is in suite 102 on the ground floor (the door is marked). Upon entering, there is a waiting room straight ahead. Please have a seat and Dr. Smith will meet you there!
Do you offer telehealth?
Dr. Smith offers both in-person and telehealth (video-conference) services. Due to state licensing requirements, Dr. Smith can only conduct telehealth therapy with people physically located in Massachusetts at the time of the service. Telehealth sessions are conducted via a HIPAA secure platform accessible via a computer or mobile device.
Why "Lightlist"?
The Light List is an annually updated document developed by the U.S. Coast Guard, a military branch dedicated to keeping our shorelines safe. The list is a reference of nautical navigational aids (lighthouses, buoys, fog signals, etc.). The existence of the Light List highlights the benefits of taking into account help. Sometimes "going it alone" just doesn't cut it!
One light illuminates both the hazards and the safe paths. The location of multiple lights helps triangulate location. Seeing clearly what's around us, and knowing exactly where we are positioned relative to where we want to go, are the first steps to traveling in, out, or alongside the harbor - or in deciding to drop the anchor and stay a while! I trust that while the therapy process can be illuminating, once given light people often find their own way rather skillfully.
179 Great Road, Suite 102, Acton, MA 01720
(351) 333-7177